The Towards the Sustainable Vehicle Era event brings together Academia and Industrial actors in many ways, but the most obvious to the eye is the Prototypes Exposition that every year is part of the event’s many points of interests. Businesses, usually those that work actively with Politecnico di Torino, are free to bring their latest developments, to be viewed as freely as possible by the events participants.
A key aspect that drives this event is the collaboration between companies and Politecnico, which allows the betterment of both.
During the day of the event, participants can explore the prototypes in two locations, the smaller ones are usually located in Sala Emma Strada (the space underneath the Aula Magna), while the more voluminous prototypes can be found in Politecnico’s main courtyard, right in front of the Aula Magna.
The prototypes expo isn’t all about industry, and many new idea and models may come directly from students and young engineers, like the “Politecnico Students Teams”, who usually work directly with firms to expand their vision and skills, creating interesting new products