
Dedicated first and foremost to technical staff and R&D personnel of the mobility sector, the “Towards the Sustainable Vehicle Era” conference, organized by the CARS and PEIC interdepartmental centers of Politecnico di Torino, aims to provide a framework for companies wishing to achieve their technology development goals and meet the challenges of changes in the mobility industry. Through exploration of emerging technologies, knowledge sharing and interaction between industry and university, the event aims to:

  • discuss innovative and sustainable solutions for the vehicles of the future. This includes low-emission vehicles, clean propulsion technologies and sustainable mobility strategies;
  • promote bringing together companies and researchers to stimulate collaboration and co-creation, with the aim of accelerating innovation and adoption of advanced technologies;
  • provide an overview of challenges and opportunities for companies;
  • encourage companies to redefine their approach to mobility, embracing more sustainable solutions to adapt to new market needs.
  • allow young engineers and students to witness the latest technical advancements and the Italian industry’s contribution to technological innovation

Interdepartmental centers, CARS and PEIC, collaborate together and with industry to meet the challenges of the dual digital and sustainable transition in the transportation sector, with a well-rounded approach on the vehicles of the future.

The organizers

The complexity and rapid evolution of the technologies involved in automotive engineering and intelligent transport systems require a large number of skills acquired in different disciplines.

In this context, the objective of CARS – Center for Automotive Research and Sustainable mobility – is to build, inside the Politecnico di Torino, an environment in which multidisciplinary research and training activities can be fostered to speed up innovation and technology transfer, in a territory with a strong industrial vocation that has been the cradle of the national automotive industry.

CARS website

A modern society relies on power and its reliable and intelligent control. The PEIC – Power Electronics Innovation Center – is a new competence center of Politecnico di Torino focused on power electronics. Power electronics is a key enabling technology in transportation electrification, production of electrical energy and advanced manufacturing. Power electronics can lead the innovation in such fields by becoming smaller, faster, more reliable and capable of managing higher power levels. More intelligence can and must be carried on board of power electronics to make it open to the ICT, in line with Industry 4.0 objectives.

PEIC website