The event is a unique opportunity the encounter leading innovators, hosted by Politecnico di Torino, it offers a unique mix of perspectives, from academia and industry both.
During the conference, industrial partners of the organizers, CARS and PEIC centers, analyze, from their peculiar perspective, what are the long-term and short-term trends for the world of sustainable mobility.
The agenda usually revolves around three main themes, Trends in sustainable vehicles, Autonomous and connected vehicles, Emerging technologies and components, for a full understanding of what comes next for the world of sustainable mobility.
See past editions full programs on the Flashback Page
Discover the full event
During the day of the event, and especially after the sessions in Aula Magna, participants can explore the hands-on parts of Towards the Sustainable vehicle Era; the Prototypes exposition by various firms or research group, the Poster Session with the latest applied research projects, and the CARS and PEIC Labs visits